I am glad you are here,  glad you got curious to know more about what is Serenitao and why Serenitao.
These pages might look a bit « homemade », it is on purpose, first of all to distinguish from the world of IA and « perfect vision » carried by social media. My vision is about real connection, I was inspired by thinking about a talk between you and me, at a kitchen table, where we exchange and connect; as a first step to a shiatsu session, breathing exercises or heart intelligence.
Therefore this website aims to be a simple presentation, before getting to know you more. 
I wish you to find what you are looking for, and thank you for being you, for being here.

Serenity is the reflection of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. To achieve this positive state of mind means to start living from consciousness, no longer rom emotions.

There are many ways to travel through life and aim for this serenity, the one you’ll find here is based on Taoism. 

Taoism is an eastern philosophy that the intuitive knowing of life cannot be grasped as a concept rather it is known through actual living experiences of one’s everyday life. In this philosophy, in order to develop serenity and longevity, Man should live according to the 3 treasures (restore the Jing, move the Ki and pacify the Shen).

What is Serenitao?

A place to bring together western and eastern philosophies, spiritualities and cultures to nourrish a wholehearted life. To live this journey, I focus on techniques to develop the Ki 

  • Shiatsu : Art of sensitive treatment of the body to restore balance and unity using the Ki flow in the meridians.
  • Do-In : Exercises to experience and strengthen the movement of Ki (energy) throughout the body.
  • Breathing techniques : Exercices encompassing breath facilitating physical, mental and emotional healing, supporting the nervous system.
  • Heart based techniques : How to tap into the power of the heart, to be more balanced, to support and nourish the Shen., 

From my teachers, my readings and my own path, I live, learn and practice from the principles of the 3 treasures. 

When speaking about Shiatsu, group or individual Do-In/Breathwork, and Heart focused practices, a serious theory background makes it possible to create unique sessions, adapted to the group, age, inspiration and individual development. 

Grounded and wholehearted foundation create a safe space, I see myself as a facilitator with practices tuned to this person at that moment.

My vision is about connectedness, empowerement, and consciousness. You’ll find in these pages my passion about Shiatsu, Breathwork, Do-in which for me are connected, the heart being the foundation.

On Sundays, the Flying Do-In tribe gathers to practice a combination of Do-in and breathing techniques. 

Sharing is caring so if you want to know more, are curious about the tribe or what could Shiatsu, Breathwork, Do-In or Heart centred techniques bring in your life, contact me.

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